• WLS command-line tools are useful :

- For automating common administrative activities
- As an alternative to the Administration Console
- When Graphical tools are not supported

  • WLST provides a command-line interface for :

- Creating new weblogic Domains
- Retrieving and updating Weblogic Domain Configurations
- Deploying Applications
- Obtaining run-time server statistics

  • WLST is implemented using Jython which in turn is a Java implementation of the Python scripting Languages:

-simple and clear syntax
-indentation to structure code
-interactive command mode
-custom commands
-integration with any Java libraries

Using Jython

Jython can interpret commands in 3 ways :

- Interactive :Supply commands one at a time from a command promt
- Batch : Provides a series of commands in a script file ( .py)
- Embedded : Run Jython interpretor within a Java class

WLST Modes

Online mode:

- Connected to a running server
- Access to all Weblogic configuration and run-time attributes
- Create and activate change session similar to Admin console.

Offline Mode :

- Domain not working
- Access to only persisted domain configuration (config.xml)
- Create 0r update domain similar to using configuration wizard

Running WLST scripts

- use the setWLSEnv script to initialize the PATH and CLASSPATH required for WLST
- If no script file supplied WLSt will run in interactive mode.
- The execfile() command can be used to run scripts

>java weblogic.WLST [scriptfile.py]

To support SSL connection to a server
>java -Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostNameVerification=true -Dweblogic.security.TrustKyStore=DemoTrust  weblogic.WLST

Generic WLST Commands

help                            - Get help for a given  WLST commands
exit                             - Quit WLST
dumpVariables           - Display all variables used by WLST
dumpStack                 - Display the stack trace of last error occurred in WLST
redirect/stopRedirect  - Redirect all WLST output to a file.

Offline WLST Commands

createDomain           -create domain by using given template
readDomain             - open existing domain on the file system
readTemplate           - open a existing domain template
addTemplate            - apply template file to current domain
updateDomain         - save changes to current domains
writeDomain            - save changes to current domain in a specific directory
writeTemplate          - save current domain to a template file
assign/unassign        - target application to servers
setOption                 - configure domain creation options

WLST : Creating a Domain Example

Creating a Domain Example

Online WLST Commands

connect                   - connect to a server by supply credentials
disconnect              - disconnect from the current server
shutdown                - shut down server
start                        - use the node manager to start the servers
startEdit                  - Begin a new change session
stopEdit                  - Release the edit lock and discard any changes
activate                   - commit all changes in the current session
showChanges         - List all changes made in current session
isRestartRequired   - Determine if any changes required server restart
deploy/redeploy     -Deploy an application to a server
undeploy                - Shut down a running application on servers

Weblogic JMX : Overview

JMX MBeans:

  • - are java objects found on the server
  • - have attributes and operations
  • - support the configurations, management and monitoring of all type of server resources 

JMX MBeans

Navigating JMX MBeans

  • Use the cd, ls and pwd commands to navigate server configurations or run-time MBeans, similar to a file system.
  • Use get and set commands to read or update MBean attribute
  • The cmo variable refer to the current MBean
Navigating JMX MBeans

WLST : creating a server example

creating a server example

Generate a WLST script from Admin console

Generate a WLST script from Admin console